Thursday, August 29, 2019

Five Days and Counting!

Michelle and I are both tired from trying to get everything ready in order to leave. It’s all good! We will have gone over our lists at least twelve times each, (yeah, okay, my list, grinZ) before Tuesday, and it will likely not matter much once we are actually on the road. I am excited to see the countryside with my longtime friend, and this time I will be armed with a camera that I don’t have to process film for to get pictures. Ohhh yeah! (You do know what I am talking about right? Film, like in the cameras before digital.) I started out with a Brownie in 1970, and that certainly did not have digital quality options. Things can change pretty quickly.
Can you name something that developed during your lifetime that was impactful?

Ohhhhh and guess what? Only five more days before Michelle gets on that plane and our trip is officially started! I feel like a kid gearing up for a trip to their favorite place on earth. 

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